
5 Reasons to Upgrade Your Glock Trigger

5 Reasons to Upgrade Your Glock Trigger

Posted by Jeff Wilson on Aug 10th 2023

5 Reasons to Upgrade Your Glock Trigger Glock handguns do not deliver the precision of a Swiss timepiece.You might expect more from a firearm that is one of the top selling handguns in the world … read more
Skimmer vs. Guardian Trigger Comparison

Skimmer vs. Guardian Trigger Comparison

Posted by Adam Hjermenrud on Aug 10th 2023

Comparing the Skimmer and Guardian Duty/Carry Trigger Systems: Which One is Right for You?Both the Skimmer and Guardian duty/carry trigger systems have been in use by responsible armed citizens and se … read more
Vogel vs. Edge Trigger Systems

Vogel vs. Edge Trigger Systems

Posted by Adam Hjermenrud on Aug 10th 2023

Comparing our Top Competition Triggers: Which One is Best For You?In the quest to find that single piece of gear that will give them that "Edge" over the competition, many of our customers find themse … read more